Why I want to be Free of Debt Forever

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Why I want to be Free of Debt Forever

I could give a thousand reasons why I want to be debt free, but for today’s post I will share with all of you just 1 reason. Debt freedom is truly the way to live I believe. Because when you are you feel a sense of power over finances. Owning others is a straight path to having less cash flow month after month. In addition to having mounds of added stress.

Now lets discuss my reason why Debt will be out of my life soon. But before I do lets look at this awesome quote:

Eliminating debt is not only important its everything – Rich Uncle EL


Why I want to be free of debt forever:

Being debt free will allow me the opportunity to invest more and eventually give me liberty from having to work for anyone else.

Wow what a great reason to let go of the chains holding millions of people behind.

Lets give props to Jackie from The Debt Myth for starting an exciting debt movement with the hastag #Debtisnotforever on twitter. I will be tweeting this to all of my followers and let’s help spread the word my friends. This will be a serious issue going forward as more people are indebted in greater numbers year after year.

Can you imagine how much interest the government is earning off the 1 trillion in student loans. I predict it will double very soon to 2 trillion. Don’t help debt explode to crazy records. Be Free today or maybe have a plan to be free one day in the future. As long as you don’t let Debt win.

If you draw a line in the sand and never borrow again then you will gain all the power.

Comment on the debt free movement below.

Rich Uncle EL


PS – All the banks might be upset with you once you reach debt freedom, but I’m sure they will be ok with the billions they already have.

The pic is provided courtesy of yours truly

5 thoughts on “Why I want to be Free of Debt Forever”

  1. I'm on the path to debt freedom. I only have some student loans left. I could pay them all off now, but they have decently low interest rates, so I haven't made them a priority above maxing out my 401k or Roth IRA.
    My recent post Rich Uncle Pennybags

    1. Its great you are so close to being debt free, I guess it all depends on the personality of the person. If it were me I would just pay it off because debt lingers in my thoughts and it stresses me out having it. As soon as your done with the loans, you can add the payment of the student loans back into investing, which increases your overall contribution to wealth.
      My recent post Why I want to be Free of Debt Forever

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