Frugal Tips Friday

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Hello friends I wanted to give you all a different spin than the usual post topic today. I usually give you a few quotes on Friday to get your motivational juices flowing, but today the subject at hand will be based on frugality. I know you do your best to save money by living below your means already, but it doesn’t hurt to get new ideas that you might not be using to help you in this life. The theme for today’s post is a new series called frugal tips Friday, and I will share 4 tips I think can get you to scale back a bit all for a higher purpose. This post is for those of you who are struggling to complete something due to a tight cash flow, and if you have no cash flow worries then this post is not for you. I am hoping I can make this a fun Friday series on random Fridays as I see people cutting back more and more. (If you are a Starbucks drinker, please do not read this post as you can’t comprehend frugality)

I apologize for the sarcasm but I do not see the point in spending $5 bucks for a cup of coffee. Let’s move on as the Starbucks bashing is actually played out already in the PF blog world. So what topics will I be discussing today, regarding frugalism? (that’s not a word but I like the way it sounds) It will all be just random tidbits here and there, just for the sake of increasing the greenbacks in the bank. Maybe you will be able to use some of these tips or maybe they will not relate to your life. I feel as long as 1 person benefits from the tips I have done my job. (insert smile right about now) J


Frugal Tips Friday:

Do not carry credit cards on you ever. (If you don’t have it you will not use it)

Buy what you value, love, and only will have a use for.  (Buy only those products you value more than current goals)

Make your own trail mix by buying bulk nuts and raisins. (This will save you $, Take to work as a snack, avoid vending machines)

Keep a running total of all Misc. and Food purchases monthly. (These two categories are notorious budget busters)


These tips are frugality 101 and it will allow you to have a basic foundation towards living on less.  Granted some people might view being frugal or cutting back as not living the right way, but I tend to think that we all can adjust for the right cause. Do you struggle to finally establish an emergency fund? Do you want to pay off that car loan? Have you started a college savings fund for the children? If you desire to cross off the goals you have then frugality is the fastest method to do it. Many people do not have the extra time to dedicate to an additional part-time job, so cutting back is the only viable option. (Parents/ Students with a full-time job)

When you give meager effort towards your goals you will get meager results, so give it your best shot now to really make a difference.

See article here: how I spent 0 in a week.

Comment if you appreciate the frugal tips above?

Rich Uncle EL 

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