How Do I Define Success

How Do I Define Success
The Real Definition of Success

When this idea entered my mind I was traveling about 35 miles per hour on a side street going home. Why did this idea all of a sudden enter my consciousness? If I could answer where creativity comes from and possibly how such inspirations come about, maybe I can give all of you a definitive explanation. But for now I will take it as a sign to just keep on plugging away trying to find my own success and or happiness around this personal finance journey intertwined with this PF blog. How do I define success? Keep reading below to find out and maybe confirm if you agree with the definition of success.

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The Best Synergy Tactics

the best synergy tactics
The Best Synergy Tactics

The synergies I use in my life can make anyone feel like they are the smartest person in the world. It will appear as if you’re a multitasking freak, who actually invented the word productivity because you’re so efficient. Now you may be wondering what the heck am I talking about? If you use synergies in life I believe it will make things easier for you in general. The reason I use the best synergy tactics is because I want to save time, feel productive, and get sh!t done off my long checklist.

Strategic synergies are very fulfilling to me, and if done daily it will supercharge your day towards getting tasks completed. I enjoy it when things get done and I am able to check off a goal.

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Money and Relationships

Money and Relationships

I recently wrote an article based on the money and looks topic, and it was a received well. Now we are going to continue the theme, but this time with a listicle of random facts solidifying why money has a greater weighting in relationships. The moral of this post doesn’t mean money is everything, but it just puts things in perspective to see the facts as to why money is so important in today’s world. Money and relationships go hand and hand, and if your perceived to not have any mula, the dates will dry up like the Sahara Dessert.

I cant fathom how or why our culture is shifting so far into money being a prerequisite to dating someone. Hey if you have millions and look physically unappealing, I know for a fact that you can get a model to date you. If someone drives a fancy car it is assumed that the driver is well off. If you travel constantly and post Yolo all over Instagram, you’ll probably get more than a few invitations to date.

Its about time we ask a serious question. What do you love more – The Money or the Relationships?


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Personal Finance Contradictions

Personal finance contradictions
What Personal Finance Contradictions have you Witnessed Recently?

Every day I tend to focus on personal finance topics and random social media snippets that my eyes happen to catch for a brief moment. I’ve noticed a theme and its a bit funny and comical at times. The personal finance contradictions have me wondering will we ever change? I mean if we are humans who can recognize things and study if a behavior is not serving us appropriately, shouldn’t we (stop the presses) so to speak.

I am all for living a fun life but to live that life with personal finance contradictions is totally laughable. We all make blundering mistakes from time to time but lets make an attempt to learn from them in order to supersede past them. If you take a few moments before making a personal finance contradiction, it will thoroughly assist your mental state of mind to revert back to what is the beneficially right for your money management strategy.

If it would serve you best for me to post a few examples of the personal finance contradictions I’ve witnessed in the past 6 months should I? I guess I am second guessing if discussing others so called fun filled life, while living financially risky is worth while for anyone to read. Oh well Let’s just do it and make light of it and I’ll let you be the judge of that.

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The Best Deal Purchased

The Best Deal Purchased
This LG TV is a Great Buy!

I want to discuss the time I hustled my way into the best deal purchased. It happened recently and I’ve been meaning to share it with all of you. There’s so many ways people can spend money and we all do, but how many times can you share how much money you saved during a purchase?

This deal was so good, that I had to write about the best consumer deal ever. Yes I spent money, but when you break it down, I saved a lot off the total retail price for the goods. It is amazing how much you can knock off with a little effort and planning. I will admit that I priced shopped for these products for a few weeks, and when I saw the deal I jumped on it real quick.

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The Personal Finance Ratios that Matter

The Personal Finance ratios that matter

Let’s just imagine you actually had the opportunity to run personal finance ratios for your situation. If you handled your personal life like a business I’m sure things will run smoothly and efficiently compared to how you handled your dollars beforehand. A budget is for the most part in disarray before running the household finances within the personal finance ratios that matter.

When I say within I mean keep things in a preferred range for each ratio. Now a days some people think that paying for vacations which equals 30% of the yearly income is financially smart. I will tell you this person is not being financially aware of the personal finance ratios that matter. Because if they did, the vacation ratio which falls under entertainment and or vacation category should only be 15% of the annual income.

For a simple example let’s assume this person makes $3,000 dollars a month, net pay or about 50K monthly off annual income. (About the national Average)

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The Last Hundred Dollars

The last hundred dollars
I spent this bad boy.

A new series is born today, with the premise that now I will let you in to see what things I spent my last hundred dollars on. Imagine if you had only a hundred dollars to your name, what would you spend it on?

Would you go to the Mall and splurge? Or Maybe you get happy saving some of it before its all gone?

The last hundred is a way to lighten up the financial blogosphere with something unique. Yeah I could give you a bunch of boring spreadsheets showing my monthly net worth, but that’s been done a thousand times over. As of right now I still don’t feel 100% showing you guys all my pennies and cents, but with these posts you get a sneak peak at some random expenses. See below for the fun.

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