What is your Personal Finance Attitude?

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What is your Personal Finance Attitude?
What is your Personal Finance Attitude?

Many times I sit and think about how attitude can be a deciding factor in how life turns out. If your attitude is steered towards a particular view point, it can either be a winning or losing battle for you. So knowing what is the right attitude to have towards money can once again be the answer your looking for. What is your Personal Finance Attitude? If you ask this of yourself from time to time it will trigger something within you to find where you stand.

What is your Personal Finance Attitude?

If you look up attitude in the dictionary it is defined as this

– a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.

-a position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state.

Now take it a step further and add into it financial attitude.If by having a specific financial attitude it can then transfer into someone realizing their financial behaviors. It always boils down to choices and behaviors and if you can solve that you will soon realize financial success.

I found an article in the Huffington Post which was written for Schwab about this very topic – The right attitude can lead you down a good path and in contrast a totally opposite attitude can be a detriment to anyone.Having debt is just that debt, but if you constantly fall for the vicious cycle of constant debt drain in your life, then that is 1 example of having a bad financial attitude.

How can you elevate your attitude to be financially beneficial for you?

-By taking little steps to improve behaviors

-Save money when you readily have it available, dont wait or it will get lost.

-Never Accept defeat towards insurmountable financial issues.

-Learn and read about finances to avoid being stuck in the same spot for years.

-Take advice whenever offered, and don’t feel like you can never do better.

-A good choice today can lead to financial happiness later

-By never assuming a good income will be around forever

-Protect how you view cash flow and surplus income

-Always feeling in control of money instead of the other way around

-Last is realizing if you have bad or good attitudes towards money

What is your Personal Finance Attitude? How do you control it before it controls you?

Rich Uncle EL

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