Quotes about Life

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Quotes about Life

The best part of blogging is that I can create quotes about life to add something to this world. My words might never make it to a NY Times or a Huffington Post article, but I am happy to express what is inside of my mind. That freedom to express what I want is priceless, and I do it by coming up with all original quotes. I want to pose a question for all of you today. How do you see the future? Do you look forward to leaving a mark in this world or could you care less about something like that?

I wonder if all those people who actually made it to be influential in the past, if they dreamt of leaving a mark on the world. Did George Washington set out to be remembered forever as the 1st president or did he just do what he loved to do. (Politics and Leading) I ponder things like this all the time. They say everything happens for a reason, so if we can’t control our destiny then should we care or not. This is not going to turn into a rant, but a mere thought-provoking paragraph. Quotes about life help me leave a mark in the world something that’s important for me.


Quotes about Life:

Begin with the end in mind, in order to leave a mark in this world – Rich Uncle EL

Being generous opens up many doors to being content, happy, and joyful – Rich Uncle EL

Change and adaptation is the constant way to live – Rich Uncle EL

Turn opportunities into passionate activities, to complete life with no regrets – Rich Uncle EL

What do you think about the quotes mentioned above? I hope they make you think about life and how you can change things in order to leave something special in this world. In the end all of us will be remembered by what we did in this world. What are you currently doing that is special enough to be remembered.

Comment if you appreciate the quotes about life above?

Rich Uncle EL

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