What is the Happiest Money Moment You Ever Had?

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What is the happiest money moment you ever had?

I think we all have had a few great, unforgettable, happiest money moments to hit our lives. I like reminiscing on random things like this, because frankly our past can somewhat shape the future. How did the happiest money moment creep into your life? Did you have control over it or was it just pure luck? I bet I am going to get some very interesting stories from my readers.

The point for this post was triggered by me just remembering a time when I was happy due to either getting a small downfall or finally achieving a great money goal. I will share the happiest money moments with all of you and I want you guys to just try to remember one you can share as well. Those moments were given to you for a reason so why not remember them and honor the moments.

What is the Happiest Money Moment You Ever Had?

  • The first ever paycheck
  • The first time I found a dollar bill on the street
  • The first time I received a bonus check
  • The first time I invested my hard-earned money
  • The first time I found over a 100 dollars
  • The first time I saw a thousand dollar+ check in my name
  • The first time I received a Holiday bonus check
  • The first time I saved 5 grand
  • The first time I paid for Candy with Cash


Now that I have shared with all of you please be so kind to return the favor, we all can appreciate talk like this because it let’s us connect better with a topic (Money) that is deemed negative most times. Just writing about all of these memories makes me smile. I worked really hard for my very first paycheck and cashing it was a euphoric experience, after I received the cash I was thinking wow this is all mine. I immediately made a budget in my mind, that I would save half and spend the other half.

Back track 7 years and I was running to the candy store during lunch time in middle school to buy some goodies with the dollar bill my father gave me that morning. I couldn’t believe all the stuff I could buy back then with 1 dollar. Now things are different, kids are lucky if they can get 4 candies with 1 buck. That candy would last me about a week and you can bet that I ate each and every one. Now I am looking towards the future for a few more happy moments with money that I can be proud of, maybe I can share them with you in the future.

If you leave a comment I will add this post to one of the happiest moments with blogging.


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Rich Uncle EL


One thought on “What is the Happiest Money Moment You Ever Had?”

  1. my very first bonus check. It was twice the size of my paycheck. That company went away with the economy.

    Recently, it was my tax return. I was sure we'd brake even and we did far better than brake even.

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