The Savings Quotes

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The savings quotes

What does it mean to be able to save consistently every month? It means you are effectively earning more than you spend. It means you are watching your dollars. It means you are mature enough not to spend every last penny, then blame it on others, a low paying job, or the government. I am focused on quotes about saving money this week, as you can clearly see from the title. The Savings quotes will hopefully give you extra motivation to stash some cash immediately.

Let me know if you can relate a bit with the Quotes below. They all might represent something within you that you already do or maybe would like to begin to implement in your financial life.


The Savings Quotes: 

Hoarding is viewed as a negative thing, but to hoard money, now that is genius. – Rich Uncle EL

Savings should be placed above anything else, even those pesky things called bills. – Rich Uncle EL

When you protect your cash flow, than life is a piece of cake. – Rich Uncle EL

If you build savings year after year, then freedom is bound to hit your doorstep – Rich Uncle EL


Hoarding is viewed as a crazy bad condition in a reality show because when you stack a few thousand newspapers in your living room you are going against the norm. That is a psychological definition of scarcity as thus folks feel that they will never have enough. If that is the case then something truly is off because you are filling up your entire house with junk.

On the flip side hoarding money is good because you are exercising your savings muscle. Doing so will eventually assist you in the future. What I am referring to in the quote is someone looking to build a nest egg up from a smaller level of savings. Not a multimillionaire who cant seem to share or spend his money hoard. Their is a big difference in someone looking to secure financial freedom and someone who has millions already and is afraid to spend out of fear.

Help me find someone who has regretted stashing a million dollars for freedom of the 9 to 5. I still have yet to find such a person because a regret like that doesn’t exist. So keep hoarding dollars my friends, but never forget to share it on occasion on your wants, with friends and family, and with charities.

The other three quotes are phrases you probably read many times before and I hope you are taking the basic money management advice seriously. Nothing is far out of reach when you realize that your actions dictate where your money goes. All the calculations, formulas, math, and equations in the world cannot help you be better with money. A simple look in the mirror and getting emotions in check is all you need.


The Best Advice on How to Save Money Right Now:

Saving Money Tactics

Ten tips to save Dollars – BankRate


Words were invented to communicate how you feel so please leave feedback below.

Comment if you agree or disagree with the savings quotes above.


Rich Uncle EL


2 thoughts on “The Savings Quotes”

  1. Hi Rich Uncle El! – not 100% sure I agree with you. What's the point of hoarding money and forgoing some pleasure now when you'll probably have a surplus of money in the future and wish you'd had more fun when you were young?! Thanks! Shaun

    1. Hello Shaun,

      I think the average savings rate in America is only about 3-4%,people are spending way beyond their means already. I want them to realize that if you put savings first above all else you can still enjoy life as long as you plan for it and are Saving some dimes
      a month.

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