Friday Quotes XVII

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Friday’s Best Quotes:


– When all hope is gone look to others for a greater sense of guidance. – RichUncle EL

– Resources drained and scarce all of a sudden make money abundant – RichUncle EL

– Money can buy anything except an item that is sold out and in high demand. – RichUncle EL



The theme of today’s post is on the desperation side of how crazy things can get when a storm affects a heavily populated area. I hope people can relax and find the patience in this time of need for many of the  fellow Northeastern citizens affected by this storm.

I am seeing long lines everywhere, stories of people looting homes, examples of road rage to the extreme, just because everyone is starting to worry about not having enough. The government needs to step it up and fix things quick thus avoiding  a major situation with storm affected citizens. Also the average person can give a helping hand now. Because the desperation is at an all time high and every little bit of help counts.

People have lost their homes, their possessions, their food and some have even lost a loved one. These quotes today have really expressed how my area of the world is feeling this week. The pictures really say it all as people are short on words due to the destruction of hurricane Sandy.




RichUncle EL

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