How I lost 20 Pounds

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Wow I didn’t expect to lose this much when I started my new work out routine. I was fine body wise but I had a desire to be more ripped. So I got on the P90X bandwagon and it was great for the first 3 weeks, but then the motivation declined. How many of you can relate to this drop off in energy, how are the #newyearsresolutions working out for you? Why did I start doing this new workout, because I was bored with the traditional workouts I had been doing. Lift this bench press here pull that pulley their. I wanted to reinvent and switch up my body to hopefully increase my energy levels and gain power with more unconventional ways. I didn’t have a desire to bulk up anymore like I did in back in 2006. I found that I like looking ripped compared to just looking big. Plus being lean helps improve speed on the basketball court and on the running track.

So I took my workouts outside and away from the gym.(Have not entered a gym in over 4 years) I cut out the extra portions of bread and rice that my body didn’t need. I increased overall workout intensity while increasing my fruits, protein, and veggies intake. Back in 2007 my normal workout routine would take about 2 hours, now I can do a great workout in 30 minutes. (Less breaks and a more intense workout routine)

Excercises I do to stay fit:

Sprints and Interval Running
Dead lifts
Core and Balance Movements
Alternate Jumping leg Squats
Jumping Jacks

Probably many of you are thinking what does this post have to do with finances? Well my friends can you say dollars out of my pocket and into the hands of clothes retailers, because now I am more lean and mean my pants do not fit me anymore. Shirts look a little baggy as well. I used to buy large now I am getting medium shirts as they fit better. This is one part of losing weight that has a downside. Money spent to change up and reinvent the ward rope.

So what will I need to get, how about a new suit, at least three new work slacks, and 4 new work shirts. All of these items can total about $1,000 unless I get really savvy and do some comparison shopping and use online discount codes. I can also do some smart shopping during back to school sales and hopefully catch some good percentages off the merchandise.

In conclusion you will spend more if you lose weight by buying new clothes but on the other hand you will be spending less by not consuming all that extra bad food. Some of the foods I do not intake anymore are: Soda, fruity cereals, fast food burgers, non-whole wheat bread, french fries, and only eat a select few desserts. Now that I eat less my grocery bill has been reduced by about 15%. In addition to this I also saved on gym expenses and instead use my dumbbells and will be investing soon in kettle bells. I think the cost savings over the years are worth it to me by elminating time and fuel costs of commuting to a gym. 

Comment if you have tried a new workout routine and the results you achieved.

RichUncle EL

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