Friday Financial Quotes III

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I wanted to share with you a few quotes today and hopefully this will get you motivated to start the weekend right. These financial quotes will help you get motivation in your life, whether it may be you are working a part-time / side job, looking at growing a business, taking care of a real estate property, or attempting to save a number of pesos this weekend by not making it rain in the clubs. Either way I wanted to share with you these excellent quotes and you guys can take the message any which way your mind desires.


-My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time. – Steve Jobs

-Never spend your money before you have earned it. – Thomas Jefferson

-If you incur debt you will soon walk the poor man’s Trail. – RichUncle EL

The first quote is so powerful as it clearly explains how limited our greatest resource is, Time. Take advantage of the time you have because you do not want to be the one stating 30 years from now, I should have could have would have done that. The next two quotes are about the debt monster as in life people do not realize how important it is to be free of owing money. I guess I am in the great company of Thomas Jefferson, LOL as we both want you to avoid debt at all cost, while living a stress free life doing the things you want.

Random Posts I recommend reading:

-52 Best Money Tips- Free Money Finance

-J.Money’s Net Worth- Budgets Are Sexy

Retired at 30– Mr. Money Mustache

These three posts are by the three blog authors I read often as a way to motivate myself. Feel free to get some financial knowledge by checking these posts out for yourself. The first one is about money tips which we can always use. The second post is about a guy who is obsessed with budgets and happened to amass a good Net Worth at a young age. The third is about a retired 30’s something guy who doesn’t hold back his tongue but let’s you see his inner scorecard mentality on how he makes his money work for him.

Well now that you have been enriched with my financially related wisdom, do you feel like commenting? Yes you do. Maybe you feel like writing your own quote, send me an email to Moneywatch101(at) Gmail (Dot) com and I will post it here next week or sometime in the future. Obviously with your permission. LOL.

Watch Your Money!

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